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Re: Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin!

Re: Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin!2011-01-11T20:34:19+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin! Re: Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin!


Post count: 14413

I have always been a procrastinator, and feel as though I always will be. I own my own business and I have to flier to get new business.. I hate it, that much time and nothing to keep my brain occupied kills me so I hate doing it, and it just never gets done. The thought of even doing it bring on fear and loathing that can bring on what feels like the blues, and not doing it brings on the self loathing.

I have had this problem since moving to my new city, I have done it here to get started but no matter how hard I try, it is next to impossible for me to get motivated to do this chore.

I have a phone that I can listen to podcasts on, but that still doesn’t take away the absolute dread of doing the fliering that I need to do to keep my business going.

any suggestions