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Re: Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin!

Re: Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin!2010-11-15T03:45:16+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin! Re: Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin!


Post count: 14413

haha! Buttons! Way back in the days that I was in school, ‘girls’ had to take ‘sewing’ classes while the boys took drafting or industrial arts. After 3 years of sewing I can say I finally learned how to sew on a button. I won’t bore you with the gory details about how the apron, dress, lined skirt and vest looked but just put it this way…the ‘buttons’ on the outfits were probably the best part!

So, I buy a lot of different coloured threads and sew buttons back on when they fall off. If a seam comes undone, I scream and then I do the procrastinate gig.

Yes, we all have a lynch pin that holds us up. *sigh*