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Re: Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin!

Re: Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin!2010-12-09T01:27:03+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin! Re: Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin!


Post count: 913

Well, I can’t afford the spindle seals and power steering hoses for my project car, so no use running the new fuel line or dropping the fuel tank to put in the baffle (which I already have)

Can’t afford the new dashpad for the Javelin, so no use pulling the battery for winter or starting to take it apart.

No use cleaning the shop up – I’m going to get it dirty again anyway. If I clean off the workbench in the garage, I’ll then have to find a place to keep all the stuff that is on the bench. I don’t enjoy that, it’s hard to make decisions so I won’t bother cleaning the bench (which I really don’t mind doing at all)

there’s something preventing me from doing something else – not already fully related.

It’s too cold to unbox and take the new table saw up to my wood shop, so no use going up and taking photos of the old so I can post it on craigslist is there?