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Re: Pshychoanalysis anyone?

Re: Pshychoanalysis anyone?2011-11-06T02:46:49+00:00

Post count: 14413

I couldn’t agree more No_dop…….the discovering of the flaws and distortions in my perception or vision, was the most frightening and exhilarating thing I ever did!!!! Old distortions do die slow and hard, we are after all, creatures of habit……. years of reinforcement make it a challenge for sure.

However…I found in time, I saw my distortions and vision flaws more easily, and clearly. Once this clarity became more imbedded in me, and I also began to recognize negative signals, and potential dangers earlier, and with that, my life took on a new richness and fullness. I must be diligent and listen though, always, always listen…if I do, my heart tells me what is right, for me. Then, I must act accordingly…

Sounds easy (hahahaha)… you would think…….but, I drop the ball from time to time….then I must remember, to be kind and gentle with myself. Truth is, if I’m going to laugh about it later, I might as well laugh about it now.
