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Re: Psychiatrists aren't real doctors

Re: Psychiatrists aren't real doctors2011-07-09T21:33:04+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Venting! Psychiatrists aren't real doctors Re: Psychiatrists aren't real doctors


Post count: 206

Psychiatrists spend a lot of time observing your physiological reactions in their office. They do not usually do invasive testing because presumably you were referred by your physician before you got to this office. At least that is how it works in Alberta. My doctor did put me on the scale so we could judge the difference in weight gain or loss with the new medications. He also sends me for a lot of blood tests to check blood saturation levels. Mine works in the University Hospital so he has access to equipment to order other tests normally done at the hospital but usually they would refer you to a neurologist or other internist to get these done by the specialists in the field and would then get a report just like your family doctor does. I went for a sleep study and all it determined was I did not have a life threatening apnea. This was done over one night, in my own bed, while hooked up to the machine. Although I woke up many times during the night, and did have a few hours of wakefulness they determined that I did not need a sleep machine so no follow up was done. Their recommendation was sew a tennis ball in my pajama back so I did not roll onto my back. Good enough. But at least then they know that my wakefulness is not brought on from my gasping for air in my sleep. The other problems and anxieties are what brought me to my psychiatrist in the first place.