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Re: Re: Pastimes, hobbies, and downers

Re: Re: Pastimes, hobbies, and downers2010-12-01T06:39:16+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Re: Pastimes, hobbies, and downers Re: Re: Pastimes, hobbies, and downers


Post count: 14413

I’m new to the fact that I have ADD therefore no expert but perhaps your work takes up so much time and distracts you all week that you don’t have time to feel the blues until Saturday when suddenly you have free time. The blues likely set in then but you likely have them all the time.

I also have many interests or hobbies but never can focus on any one of them long enough to accomplish much with them. I lack the focus and patience for them however I have the interest in them.. perhaps you are a bit like this. When I was younger I played softball. I was focussed on that. Sports seem to be one of the things I can do without too much trouble. I do forget what the pitch count is, how many outs there are and what inning it is during play…but

I loved to play street hockey (can’t skate) and one the unsung hero award. It was great fun.

You are not alone. I’m sure others with ADD have interests and hobbies that they never finish.