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Re: recently (and unexpectedly) diagnosed- and still floundering

Re: recently (and unexpectedly) diagnosed- and still floundering2011-01-07T17:36:30+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community recently (and unexpectedly) diagnosed- and still floundering Re: recently (and unexpectedly) diagnosed- and still floundering


Post count: 89


Do you find you now get out of bed in the morning with a “bounce” in your step you didn’t have before? That was one of the first benefits I noticed while trying Strattera the first time. I’d wake up and couldn’t WAIT to get to work.

I’m starting to feel that again, but in a way it kind of sucks. I’d LIKE to start my day with a workout and breakfast, but instead end up throwing on my track pants and heading right down the hall into my office to get at the mountain of work and past-due files I have on my plate. Of course, I guess there’s always the argument that is what I should be doing anyway- lol.