The Forums › Forums › Medication › Relationship of low hormones to ADHD symptoms? › Re: Relationship of low hormones to ADHD symptoms?
I saw a talk show once where the guest Doctor (a women even 😯 ) said that PMS for men happens every 15 minutes because that was the cycle of the body for injecting testosterone into the blood… 😆 OMG!!! 🙄 I never really believed it was on par with you gals, or my DW! My wife has hypO-thyroid and also takes a pill to up the level of that, and low iron; but no ADD. From years (decades) of my untreated ADHD and hypOgonadism (that word creeps me out) our relationship is very damaged and she is moving to an apartment on Tuesday. I’ll post more in a marriage thread when I can stop shaking. I really appreciate the replies above and hope you see my ‘thank you’ soon. I’ve been lurking for too long!