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Re: Relationship of low hormones to ADHD symptoms?

Re: Relationship of low hormones to ADHD symptoms?2011-03-12T15:02:31+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Relationship of low hormones to ADHD symptoms? Re: Relationship of low hormones to ADHD symptoms?


Post count: 14413

I saw a talk show once where the guest Doctor (a women even 😯 ) said that PMS for men happens every 15 minutes because that was the cycle of the body for injecting testosterone into the blood… 😆 OMG!!! 🙄 I never really believed it was on par with you gals, or my DW! My wife has hypO-thyroid and also takes a pill to up the level of that, and low iron; but no ADD. From years (decades) of my untreated ADHD and hypOgonadism (that word creeps me out) our relationship is very damaged :( and she is moving to an apartment on Tuesday. I’ll post more in a marriage thread when I can stop shaking. I really appreciate the replies above and hope you see my ‘thank you’ soon. I’ve been lurking for too long! :?