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Re: senior in college.

Re: senior in college.2011-11-03T16:09:41+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story senior in college. Re: senior in college.


Post count: 14413

My husband always said that his ADHD forced him to reinvent the wheel everytime he did something that he did infrequently. I also have/had similar problems with memory and can’t figure out how to do something that I used to be able to do with ease. It’s very frustrating and a bit scary at our age – is it early-onset dementia?

Example: we used to build a frame for the tarp over our sailboat (sold it last year). Every year he would have to start from scratch and redesign it. Never mind that our sailing mates were using reusable aluminum frames that they simply unscrewed each year and stored. We had to have an all-wood hastily-constructed-at-the-last-minute with much swearing and cursing version that inevitably got dumped in the scrap heap the following spring because nobody knew what the heck it was when they were moving the boat cradles.