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Re: Small box not big box

Re: Small box not big box2011-06-01T23:07:33+00:00

Post count: 14413

LOL – “that look that non-ADDers give you when you say something you can’t possibly accomplish in the given time frame”. I am constantly saying I’m going to have a yard sale too, but my husband doesn’t want to help and it’s pretty hard to set one up and run it yourself.

Your description is pretty familiar. My husband is the one who puts things in boxes and then never cleans out the boxes. He’s also the one who said we’d empty one box a night, or a week (better make it a year!)

The little box thing is another twist on my “let’s do cleanup for 15 minutes, just see how far we can get and then stop”. Trying to break it into small manageable pieces. Who doesn’t have a little bit of misplaced clutter that just needs to be transported back to its home – assuming it has a home to begin with?