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Re: Smart phone: helpful or distracting?

Re: Smart phone: helpful or distracting?2011-06-18T21:21:39+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Smart phone: helpful or distracting? Re: Smart phone: helpful or distracting?


Post count: 14413

sugargremlin- I’m obsessed with sugary food and I’m notorious for looking at friends with a pout-y face until they share their sugary foods with me..then i get very excited about it.

I think that is my problem with daily activities such as organization and cleaning..scores very low on my want priority list!

I did cave and get one!! and I am already obsessed!!!!!!!! I named it Droidy!!!! I think I hugged it the other day. It remains to be seen how this will affect my efficiency. so far.. i’m too obsessed with it (new toy) to start measuring. I am trying out a bunch of the organizer stuff.. so we’ll see!

ack….got to get running…..