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Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?

Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?2010-04-22T08:23:50+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone? Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?


Post count: 14413

Picking at my hangnails is a biggie for me. I think that it is one of the coping strategies that I created so that I don’t disturb others. Much quieter and less attention getting to pick at my hangnails than tap things or squirm in my seat or jiggle my legs. But the downside is that my fingertips always look like hamburger. I also tend to pick at scabs, pimples etc.My partner is also ADHD and he joins me in the hamburger fingers club :-)