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Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?

Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?2010-08-07T21:01:22+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone? Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?


Post count: 14413

When I was about 8 or 9 I was so embarrassed about biting my nails that I decided to stop. It was not often that I was very aware of that kind of thing.

I just began making it something I could not stand. The feeling of biting down on a nail or the sound still very much bothers me. I was so excited that I could so easily and quickly defeat that bad habit.

Then the nose picking started. I guess I just exchanged one for the other. I tried to switch it back – nail biting is hugely preferable to nose picking. But it was too late. I am 30 years old and still have not figured out how to quit. I have tried to replace it with stress ball or anything g else. My problem is that I don’t realize I am doing it.

I also pick at my skin. I have done well with that, though. My skin is not as scarred as it should be. I actually feel sad when a “good one” heals up finally. :/

If I really put all of my focus on not picking my nose I can stop for a time. The rest of my life suffers and I get more easily stressed. And I can’t keep it stopped for too long. It is like tics. If I hold it back it seems to save up and get worse.

It is good to not be alone.