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Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?

Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?2010-12-09T03:05:00+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone? Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?


Post count: 913

>>i’m a nail biter… oooh! bubble pop!…. and am currently trying…. found some bubble pop here at work!…. to stop biting my nails.

hee hee


And this one:

>> chew up the inside of my mouth–it’s not bad–I don’t make it bleed or anything, <<

ROFLM*O – the dental gal asked me last time ” do you chew the inside of your mouth” and I asked why “never mind, you DO don’t you”.

Yes, and I live for bubble wrap since I no longer have pimples to deal with and once the skin is chewed……… I’m out of stuff to do.

I hardly ever have grease under my nails after working on my cars as my nails are too short!

Yes, seems I have hundreds of brothers and sisters my parents failed to tell me about…….