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Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?

Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?2010-12-12T22:25:18+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone? Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?


Post count: 14413

I WISH I were a nail biter! Mine get nice and long (and sharp.) My deal is this one little hair that keeps showing up on my chin. Being a girl this is NOT good so it has to go–by whatever means necessary. I’ve left a huge bloody wasteland behind many times. I seem to do it without thinking about it, and it isn’t just that one thing. Bumps, pimples, scabs, anyplace that isn’t smooth or that catches my attention will do. Someone will say, “What are you doing?” and I’ll look to see my inevitably bloody fingernails.

When it gets bad I make sure to keep my nails cut short. Somehow I just don’t seem to have the ability to leave things alone even when I can hear the ‘reasonable’ me screaming “STOP”

People keep telling me things like, “You’ll only make it worse.” Well I know that! Why do they keep telling me that as though I don’t know it?