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Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?

Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?2010-12-13T00:52:49+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone? Re: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone?


Post count: 14413

Because they don’t realize that it’s a compulsion! I am not yet “legally” diagnosed as ADD, but my son has been so diagnosed and it’s like seeing myself in many of these posts. I bit my nails for most of my life until I went to work at PetsMart and could pet the dogs and cats that came into the store on a regular basis and such. Now, I have to cut my nails on a regular basis because they grow so quickly and they’re annoying — especially when I want to type. The skin picking and nose picking are a couple of my “habits,” too, even though I crochet and nibble nuts and knit and write and read, there’s still the feeling of not being able to breathe as freely or rubbing my arms and finding bumps to pick at. WHAT a tremendous relief to find that it’s not just stupid habits, but part of what I am. Soon as I can, guess I’d better get off to a real doctor and see what he/she says, but I KNOW I’m ADD. Question is, which of my parents did I get it from?? My nephew is also ADHD and when I was watching the video “ADD and Loving It”, I began to think about my siblings and wondering if they also are ADD. I’m betting they both are! Boy, would they be perturbed to hear me say that!