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Re: so how many of you….

Re: so how many of you….2010-04-02T17:06:45+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments so how many of you…. Re: so how many of you….


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

I see myself more as becoming a lecturer or monologist, presenting useless but entertaining information. Sort of like Cliff on “Cheers”, but with a more dynamic personality and a flashier wardrobe.

Incidentally, a gesture isn’t the only rude thing to which the Battle of Agincourt is relevant. When I studied Shakespeare’s “Henry V” (which involves the Battle of Agincourt) in university, the prof explained something that my high school teacher hadn’t. Namely, that the scene in which the French princess, to prepare for marriage with King Henry, has a bit of an English lesson with her maid, is FILTHY!

When I first studied the play in high school, the scene seemed completely pointless. Why were the princess and her maid getting so giggly and embarrassed over such common words as “foot”, “neck”, and “gown”?

But in university, we learned that “foot”, “neck”, and “gown” sound a lot like several extremely vulgar French words. Audiences at the time would have been familiar with these vulgar words, and would have laughed uproariously at the scene.

(You see? It pays to know another language!)