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Re: so how many of you….

Re: so how many of you….2010-04-18T19:59:15+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments so how many of you…. Re: so how many of you….


Rick Green – Founder of TotallyADD
Post count: 473

Dunno if someone has mentioned this, but the webinar is online! Available any time. (Yes, it’s recorded, so you can’t ask questions, but hey, life is a cruel mistress)


You go to the webinar button on the home page, and hit it.

Then wait (if your internet connection is slow like mine) and when you see the window appear on the right, with Dr. J, you hit the ON DEMAND button.

By the way, our next webinar is on April 28th. With Dr. John Fleming, the guy who diagnosed me with ADHD.