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Re: So we have a generic strattera in Canada now (as of the last month or two?)

Re: So we have a generic strattera in Canada now (as of the last month or two?)2012-09-12T15:26:49+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Strattera So we have a generic strattera in Canada now (as of the last month or two?) Re: So we have a generic strattera in Canada now (as of the last month or two?)


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

Beware of ALL online pharmacies!

You cannot be certain of whether or not the pills are authentic or counterfeit. Also, by purchasing them without a valid prescription from the jurisdiction in which they are being dispensed (i.e., where the pharmacy is located), you may be violating laws.

You also run the risk of having the pills confiscated at the border, and criminal charges for illegally importing them.

If you want to save money on prescriptions, your best bet is to find out if the manufacturer has any sort of co-pay program. I know that the maker of Strattera and the maker of Concerta both have plans which are free to sign up for, and which pay the difference between what your drug plan (including your provincial drug benefit plan, such as Trillium, in Ontario) pays and the actual cost of the drug. When I was on Concerta, Trillium and the manufacturer’s co-pay plan ensured that I didn’t pay a penny for my Concerta.