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Re: So you don't like Meds? What alternatives work best for you?

Re: So you don't like Meds? What alternatives work best for you?2012-05-13T05:50:42+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Alternative Treatments So you don't like Meds? What alternatives work best for you? Re: So you don't like Meds? What alternatives work best for you?


Post count: 13

Thanks for the video Tea ! :-)

I’m not sure about all that he said… but I’m pretty certain that putting ourselves in a more positive mode would certainly bring some benefits and help us cope with our difficulties. Seeing things more positively and taking some pleasurable time for ourselves could also boost our happiness and self-confidence, which might help us being more motivated and focused. Anyways… it’s probably too late for any articulated thinking, but thanks for the video… I’ll try to wake-up with a more optimistic view tomorrow…(in my case, that’s a real challenge these days… but at least, I will try to put my mind at it..).

Take care,