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Re: Spect Scans – Looking for Opinions

Re: Spect Scans – Looking for Opinions2010-09-27T18:35:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Spect Scans – Looking for Opinions Re: Spect Scans – Looking for Opinions


Post count: 211

That’s kind of the way I look at it too. I had wondered if anyone here at actually considered his theory, so I’m glad to read what you have to say on it.

Near as I can tell, the man just wasn’t happy with the fact that in some cases it took up to two years to get a viable regimen going for some of his patients. The “hit or miss” deal wasn’t satisfactory – to him or his patients. And it’s not for me, either. Although, if it gets right down to it, I’ll take whatever time is required to get to the right combination of drugs and therapy. It’s worth it. But, like many things, sooner is better than later.

I’m going to check out CAMH and see what they have to say about it as well. If I learn anything I’ll definitely post it here.

Speaking of the DSM – I’m really kind of curious what the next version will have to say about ADHD. Should be interesting.

Thanks again for chiming in, MerryMac!