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Re: Spect Scans – Looking for Opinions

Re: Spect Scans – Looking for Opinions2010-09-26T23:25:41+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Spect Scans – Looking for Opinions Re: Spect Scans – Looking for Opinions


Post count: 109

I don’t buy this theory AT ALL. Recently had an argument with a friend of a friend on Facebook who got the idea that the only way to accurately diagnosis ADHD is by a brain scan. Given that the DSM is quite specific that the symptoms must have been present before the age of 7, how the heck are you supposed to have a retroactive brain scan?

I’ve seen a PET scan on the NIMH website which shows the difference between a “normal” brain and an ADD brain, however a scan is only a snapshot and over the course of a day, depending on the tasks we are attempting, our brains are going to have a lot of different things going on.

Don’t get all hung up on what type of ADHD you have. Figure out what symptoms are messing up your life and look for a medication protocol that will address those symptoms.