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Re: Spect Scans – Looking for Opinions

Re: Spect Scans – Looking for Opinions2010-09-26T23:35:31+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Spect Scans – Looking for Opinions Re: Spect Scans – Looking for Opinions


Post count: 211

@MerryMac: no. Not yet. I’ve just been to his website and have seen his video.

@BuxomDiva: I don’t believe he uses brain images to determine whether a patient has ADHD. He uses the usual investigative techniques, including an analysis of a patient’s childhood.

It’s *after* they make the diagnosis that he turns to spect imaging to determine the type of ADHD. And only then ,to determine the best course of action. That’s all I’m after, really – the best course of action, in terms of medication and treatment.

P.S. He’s not a “natural medicine” guy. He’s a psychiatrist.