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Re: Spinning out of control

Re: Spinning out of control2011-01-15T20:04:38+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Scared Spinning out of control Re: Spinning out of control


Post count: 14413

Hi Carol: Being a cancer survivour, I know where your at right now emotionally. I had colon cancer in 1982, again colon cancer in 2001, and liver cancer in 2004. I never went the chemotherepy/radiation route, but instead had the surgeries to remove the tumors, and tried changing my lifestyle. Obviously, when cancer reared it’s ugly head again in 2004, I realized I was on the road to destruction. After half my liver was removed, along with my gall bladder, in 2004 I figured I was sort of on the right path, but lots of room for improvement. I had become a health minister with “Hallelujah Acres” , no religion involved as far as I’m concerned, in 2002, had follwed the lifestyle as best I could, but cancer returned. It was my own fault. I was told to obtain “organic produce ” to eat and juice. Where I live, organics where extremely hard to get at that time, so I followed the life style using organic food when I could obtain it. In 2004 after my last surgery, I prey it’s the last, I found organics were obtainable. Since juicing and eating only organic produce, I’m enjoying extremly good health, and my yearly cancer checkups are great. The only time I run into problems is at night when I try to sleep. Even without adequit rest I ‘m able to function through the day. But how nice it would be to get even 6 hours at night. That is why I was attracted to this site. I have had people who don’t even know me try to help.

The hallelujh diet builds up your own Immune system. With a healthy immune system you are armed to fight attacks of just about any condition known to man. A bonus to my lifestyle change is that my emotional problems benfitted also. I have not been diagnosed with ADHD yet, but my GP is reffering me to a clinic ASAP. I am a working senior running a small stressful business. I deal with client’s problems 24/7. I’m sure my job has played a roll in my health issues, but I do not want to retire. I just read a book re Liver Health. What drew me to this book was the phrase “Love Your Liver and Live Longer. I now realize the Hallelujah Diet has been helping my liver fight cancer. A healthy liver can kill cancer cells, or so the author states, and I believe it. All of the Rxs and over the counter meds are liver toxic, along with the air we breath and the water we drink. No wonder more of us are having health problems.

I’m not saying your problems can be helped by a lifestyle change as there are no guarentees with anything in life. If you are interested in looking at the lifestyle that has saved my life, the website is http://www.hacres.com. The information re the lifestyle is ‘Free”.

I would gladly share my experience and training with you, or anyone else that is interested. I’ts a play it forward thing. I will watch this site, just let me know.

PS. Sorry I got off track with the purpose of this site, I hope I have not offended anyone. This not medical advice, just my experience.