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Re: Start with a low dose

Re: Start with a low dose2009-12-04T11:26:05+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Start with a low dose Re: Start with a low dose


Post count: 14413

I take Strattera and no booming no nothing bad only it tooks 3 months to be effective

I still have the same easy talking and passionnate and enthousism (probably read .positive impulsivity here )

but having a better working memory than at the university

I have been involved in a Master program since then why not it is so much easier and I

can study boring stuff 10 hours on a row

and, with Strattera if I miss my pill one or day it is not a problem the blood level won t change too much

night and day shift

Really part 2 of my life started 4 years ago when introduced in Canada

That pill changed my life!