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Re: Starting College

Re: Starting College2011-01-16T17:35:22+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace College Starting College Re: Starting College


Post count: 14413

Ah yes post secondary. I’ve been doing my undergrad for about 5 years now. I’ve got 7 classes left, so about a year depending on course offerings etc. I was diagnosed just this past April and at the time decided I wanted to try some lifestyle management along with my school accommodations. I then found I’d failed all four classes. Revisited meds.

Accommodations as well as making sure your instructors/profs know your particular challenges makes a world of difference. I’m not loosing things as much, can let go of a question I’m stuck on and keep better track of time. I have an easier time getting started in the morning as well as switching tasks. We’re going to be increasing the does at least once more to get full effect I think but for me, meds gave me the help I needed beyond a desire to change.