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Re: Strattera?

Re: Strattera?2010-04-01T12:37:03+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Strattera Strattera? Re: Strattera?


Post count: 14413

MArk, i just saw your post.. how is strattera workin for you now? i hit a verry bad low so i upped my anitdeepressants and see if this helps if not then i will come off the strattera, my doctor had said i bound to feel things more for a while but i hope this will pass.. there seems to be lots of reivews highlightin the depression with strattera intake so im not sure how this will turn out, i will stick with it another little whiel and see, especially as things did get better after the first initial adjusting to it.. i hope things have workede out with you? it seems bit of a rollercoaster with meds but there seems to be some encouraging results on these posts, so myb it just takes bit of time and tweeking?!