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Re: Struggling…

Re: Struggling…2012-09-29T03:41:55+00:00

Post count: 14413

When I first started Ritalin years ago, the doctor put me on 10 mg….I didn’t care for this particular doctor so went to my family physician and he added a tad more…it was good, but still not great. I traveled a lot and set up my locations based on which well known ADD therapist was in that City and one wonderful trip, connected with a therapist who told me I was NOT taking enough Ritalin. We increased my dose to 15 mg 4 times a day and the “lights went on in Georgia”. I need to get back on meds but MediCare wouldn’t pay for Ritalin…started me on a generic, which I personally think is a joke…and it turned out to be just that, a joke! NOTHING HAPPENED so I discarded it…right now. with work a big problem, I am considering forking over the $150 a month and going back on it UNLESS, I can get the manufacturer to sell it to my physician cheaper…I want that gift of clarity back. It was so amazing that if I were listening to a symphony, I could tell you which musical instrument was playing…it was astounding.