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Re: Struggling…

Re: Struggling…2011-12-23T20:49:01+00:00

Post count: 913

no_dope – she said that she’d use the adderall xr to treat me, and after she talked with the lady dealing with my ADD, she said they agreed to do it this way since both would do nearly the same thing, but in the end, she’d be willing to up it to 60mg as that’s about what they do for the sleep issues. So in the end, she said using adderall, IF IT WORKS on the ADD, would be the same thing she’d do for the sleep.

I think it did help for some time………… but my body has always been able to take a beating and just plug along. Even in surgery, tooth work, etc. I take more than typical to knock me out. And one time in the middle of surgery the nurses said I sat straight up on the table waved and said hi to all the nurses. (apparently I was a bit of a flirt…….)

Pain meds do litle to help me until I get toward the max dose.