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Re: Struggling with Motivation in the Morning

Re: Struggling with Motivation in the Morning2012-10-05T01:12:55+00:00

allan wallace
Post count: 478

Just in the mornings? :D I struggle with motivation all of the time. What is motivation? The desire to accomplish something? Just starting something is daunting enough for me. There must be some secret way to do stuff. Goals? Gah, my goals are simple ones. If I can get through a day without incurring somebody’s wrath, or if I’m able to just muddle around at my own pace as my whims dictate without being denounced as being some sort of freak show that ‘s only possible use could be as an advertisement extolling the benefits of euthanasia, then I’ve had a good day! An endless supply of Earl Grey, ciggies, the internet, blue skies and sunshine, a wide variety of music to enjoy, innumerable books to savour,,and a 50 metre exclusion zone from boring robots wherever I went, and I’d have finally found my Utopia! Ah yes, that would be bliss! The usual dreary soul-crushing claptrap which is defecated out of the TV’s 24 hours a day after bloody boring day is so depressing! I’m sick to death of hearing about boring petrol prices, dismayed by the endless stupidity of crazy Arabs blowing the crap out of one another, so bored of hearing about gay marriage, weary of the grim economic predictions delivered by even grimmer economists in their coma inducing flat monotones! Seriously, can any of you imagine sitting down before an array of clipboards and looking at a pile of stupid graphs? It just annoys the hell out of me. I’d just swat the bloody clipboards away, tell the boss to get fucked, and tell the dick that my freshly removed tie would be filling in for me! The tie might even have something interesting to say….did I mention the obsession the robots have with petrol prices? That too makes my blood pressure rise. Out of principle I refuse to use shopping docket discount vouchers. Have never used one. Can you picture a conga line of cheerful motorists smiling and almost skipping into the servo’s to hand over the much coveted coupon in order to perhaps save parting with a few extra bucks from their wallets where the currency is considered to be prisoners? The rapturous look that young Charlie Bucket showed as he found the last ticket to the chocolate factory….ah, best stop. This is building up towards a rant. Time for a puffer and a cup soothing

tea! Toodle-pip!