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Re: Teen ADD

Re: Teen ADD2011-03-23T23:48:56+00:00

Post count: 103


all great advice from Hans. If I could offer my 2 cents, I would watch the videos in the video section. especially the ones found on this page:


Video 5 pops up first but if you scroll down you’ll see the other videos 1-5. start at one and work your way through. The dr. does an excellent job of debunking myths about ADD meds. It would be a good tool for you and your parents. After you watch it maybe you can watch it together with them. I am the mother of a 16 year old who told me she thought she might have it and my response was “I don’t think you do.” Even though I had just been diagnosed! I think it was just a knee-jerk reaction of denial mostly out of fear of the stigma attached to any “disorder.” So, I urge you to watch these videos and educate yourself then perhaps you can be more persuasive when trying to convince your parents. Also, I’m on my 2nd day of Ritalin and the only side effects are a little bit of a dry mouth (not much) and I have a slight headache. Working with your doctor is key in finding the right dosages and the right med for you. Good Luck!