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Subtract, I was not quite as good in school as you, but I also started having some major trouble in Jr. High and High School. My parents were already pretty sure I had ADD, but when I started getting frustrated, they went ahead and had me tested. I didn’t start Ritalin till my Jr. year in High School and it was a great help! I guess I just want to say I understand COMPLETELY where you’re coming from! Keep educating yourself and maybe you’ll be able to get your parents to watch some of of the videos on this site. Good for you for not giving up!! There is a great book called Fidgit to Focus that was a big help to me in dealing with my children’s ADD. It also helped me deal with some of my funny quirks in positive way. It also offers some good tips for dealing with ADD. Another good book is Simply Special by Ben Glenn. My kids and I read this one together and did a lot of laughing and then saying “ooo, that’s exactly what it’s like” or “Wow, what a good idea!” Hopefully you’ll be able to find these books at your library. Good luck and hang in there!