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Re: Television Addiction

Re: Television Addiction2012-06-24T00:33:28+00:00

Post count: 50

I agree- television is so easy. And I know if I sit down in front of it, I’ll be there for hours. The link you posted has a list of what tv does to you and most resonate with me-

“I feel hypnotized when I watch television.”

“Television sucks my energy.”

“I feel like a vegetable when I’m stuck there at the tube.”

“Television spaces me out.”

“I feel mesmerized by it.”

“If a television is on, I just can’t keep my eyes off it.”

I can spend hours wasting my life away in front of the television, and also on the internet. I sometimes wish I didn’t have a tv or computer, but like that is ever going to happen. I went out with a guy once who never watched tv, so I went months with very little tv and I didn’t die, so it can’t be that hard to break the addiction, right?
