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Re: Tell about your big projects, obstacles, outcomes (and treasure!)

Re: Tell about your big projects, obstacles, outcomes (and treasure!)2011-10-17T15:39:03+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Organizing & De-Cluttering Tell about your big projects, obstacles, outcomes (and treasure!) Re: Tell about your big projects, obstacles, outcomes (and treasure!)


Post count: 82


Are you an auditory or a visual learner?

If you are an auditory learner and want REALLY fast results you can try the crisis cleaning podcast or the weekly home blessing podcast from http://www.flylady.net



If I have posted these before, please forgive me. They are the best way I know to put cleaning (house blessing) on “automatic”.

Her holiday control journal is also invaluable to me during the insanity of this time of year:


Best wishes and we’ll be watching for updates,

Monika :)