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Re: The Beauty of A Site Run and Contributed To By ADDers

Re: The Beauty of A Site Run and Contributed To By ADDers2010-12-07T13:10:03+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story The Beauty of A Site Run and Contributed To By ADDers Re: The Beauty of A Site Run and Contributed To By ADDers


Post count: 913

>>I am, weirdly enough, extremely shy most of the time and have spent most of my life living in my head. Not just living there, hiding there. My brain doesn’t churn over the fun stuff as much as it does the stressful stuff…the angry stuff, the bitter stuff. It’s a terrible cycle. <<

OMG – Megatron you are in my head! That’s me! SOMEONE DOES understand! I AM hyperactive, an over-acheiver, but REALLY shy in a crowd or with others.

I’m fine hiding behind a keyboard and love to live online where I can let loose, be myself.

I test at a pretty high IQ (as did my mother), can read people pretty well, and I can tell when the new employee is full of, well, stuff found in farm fields, but the boss can’t see – can’t understand how I know. I can tell what the driver ahead of me is going to do next just by observing them for a few blocks – others don’t get it – they are amazed when I’m correct that that driver veers across 2 lanes to make a right turn from the left lane.

I am a daydreamer – I spent so much of my life just by myself, thinking, living out things in my head – playing out different “what-ifs”…..

I’m not just “weird”? Funny, but I already feel better…. knowing there are such wonderful people out there who DO understand.

I”m not “clinically” diagnosed – but since my mother has, and my youngest son has, and was on meds – it just all fits like a perfect leather glove.