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Re: The Beauty of A Site Run and Contributed To By ADDers

Re: The Beauty of A Site Run and Contributed To By ADDers2010-12-07T15:28:16+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story The Beauty of A Site Run and Contributed To By ADDers Re: The Beauty of A Site Run and Contributed To By ADDers


Post count: 913

LOL – No kidding! I’d not make a good politician as I have this incredible urge to say what I think, and tell folks what’s wrong – even what’s wrong with them!

I can be very kind, giving and compassionate – sometimes to a fault, but if someone needs to be told they’ve done a bad job, I have a bit of trouble not telling them.

One of my hobbies – listening to the nightly news and point out that the person they just interviewed really said nothing. OR they said a lot but never answered the question.

You mean – there’s others out there like me?