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Re: The Beauty of A Site Run and Contributed To By ADDers

Re: The Beauty of A Site Run and Contributed To By ADDers2010-12-04T17:41:14+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story The Beauty of A Site Run and Contributed To By ADDers Re: The Beauty of A Site Run and Contributed To By ADDers


Post count: 14413

Very nice. I agree with you 100% and understand how you feel!

I am, weirdly enough, extremely shy most of the time and have spent most of my life living in my head. Not just living there, hiding there. My brain doesn’t churn over the fun stuff as much as it does the stressful stuff…the angry stuff, the bitter stuff. It’s a terrible cycle.

Because I’m so shy and withdrawn, it never even occurred to me that I had ADD. Then, at a panel being run by Rick Green, somebody mentioned there was an “Inattentive Sub-Type”, and they equated it to “the day-dreamer”. I thought, my god, that could very well be me.

Because I’m not hyperactive, very little I do screams ADHD in the conventional sense, but when I come here and read the stories, it becomes unmistakable. (Aside from the fact that I was also diagnosed by a professional- that helps too!)

I hope that one day I can “defragment my head” a little bit, and build a faith in myself that I’ve never really had. I think this board will be invaluable for that.