Dr. Umesh Jain is now exclusively responsible for TotallyADD.com and its content

Re: the proverbial fork in the road

Re: the proverbial fork in the road2012-01-04T16:39:16+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am the proverbial fork in the road Re: the proverbial fork in the road


Post count: 845

Take the ADD virtual test on this site and at http://psychcentral.com/addquiz.htm to see if they indicate ADD. If so, go get a diagnosis, educate yourself about ADD, and get meds if you think you need them.

There have been a lot of new members with the same questions you are now having. Read through the different forums for the responses they have received.

Welcome to the site and let us know how it goes.

Oh, and yes, we all see 33 tines.