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Re: The Wandering Mind

Re: The Wandering Mind2012-11-03T18:44:34+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Sad The Wandering Mind Re: The Wandering Mind


Post count: 1096

Interesting article. Personally speaking my mind wandering is frustrating because it takes me twice as long to do everything than it should. So more focus and effectiveness would increase my happiness – or at least minimise frustration and fatigue. So if my mind didn’t wander then I’d be happier.

But I like my wandering mind – sometimes – it’s escapism. Also when I’m teaching, wandering off topic keeps the kids entertained – I wander where my mind does, as long as I refocus and get them and me back on topic again then it makes for a more interesting class. In fact I medicate with Red Bull when I have a class rather than Ritalin because Ritalin makes me less bouncy and just too focused on the task. Actually it makes me pretty boring – not a good attribute for teaching.

But how does one define happiness? I know when I’m unhappy – but most of the time I’d say I’m content rather than happy. So what IS happiness?

When I am with people I can appear happy but I sometimes feel like it’s an act – like a comedian who on stage is hilarious, but off stage is really a closet depressive.

The article says that mind wandering leads to being unhappy rather than the other way around. If I am unhappy then my mind wanders more…a bit chicken and egg really.

Sorry – bit of a ramble…. :)