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Re: There's a “tone” to my voice that everyone hates

Re: There's a “tone” to my voice that everyone hates2011-07-30T20:58:37+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? There's a "tone" to my voice that everyone hates Re: There's a “tone” to my voice that everyone hates


Post count: 14413

pete- I’m all confused, did I post here? lol. the word paranoid and my name have been used together at times =P. I used to have trouble at work when asking people questions when I was a new. I meant my questions to sound like an eager new graduate, but apparently they were taken as direct challenges and second guessing of those higher on the hierarchy. I think rapid firing questions with breaks for just air and when other people are busy is an ADD thing, right? lol. I also didn’t follow directions exactly as described.. it is all about the outcome, right? they were such a group of uptight, intolerant (*)#*heads. My new workplace likes me because I am excited and enthusiastic.

I do accidentally offend people all the time, but I think it is usually what I say versus how I say it, or just accidentally ignoring them.