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Re: There's a “tone” to my voice that everyone hates

Re: There's a “tone” to my voice that everyone hates2011-07-29T15:14:26+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? There's a "tone" to my voice that everyone hates Re: There's a “tone” to my voice that everyone hates


Post count: 303

LOL!!! Your post was absolutely polite.

Not to make you paranoid, but FWIW, the last time I experienced this was a work situation. One of the guys had decided that I needed to go. He started talking behind my back and encouraging other people to engage in this type of behavior you are experiencing. He was pretty popular in the workplace. People figured it out and he was exposed for the ass he was. I was still so devastated by the whole experience, that I found another job and left.

Back to your situation, though. ADD people are more sensitive to criticism, from what I understand, but not always sensitive to other’s feelings. Maybe you shouldn’t take others criticisms too much to heart, but do pay attention to how you are speaking to people. Try to talk to them the way you would want them to talk to you. Just not to the extent that you lose your mind over it. Keep in mind you may be taking this to heart more than you should.

However, when your holding a stack of books, people should understand that you aren’t going to engage in polite small talk before asking them to move. My hubby does that. When I was in labor, he was getting upset because I was barking orders of what I needed at him. When a lady was asking for help in his yard, she was just telling him what to do, but he wanted to have pleases and thank-yous with every request. She was in a hurry, it was hot, and not fun for an old lady.

Hmm…Maybe hubby is Canadian? LOL! Nope. He’s an Okie (from Oklahoma) through and through.