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Re: Timing, planning, organising, other people

Re: Timing, planning, organising, other people2011-07-16T20:24:39+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults Timing, planning, organising, other people Re: Timing, planning, organising, other people


Post count: 14413

“Does anyone else find that you need to know what time something is happening, or you can’t function? For instance, if someone tells me “We’re going out!”, I will not be able to do or start anything until I know exactly when we’re planning to go out. Not knowing when I’m supposed to be doing something that I know I’m going to be doing can be extremely stressful, not to mention inconvenient if I have other things I want to do and can’t even get started on them…”

➡ ➡ Well, you’re not alone! I feel exactly the same way. I need to know in advance IF I’m going somewhere, WHEN I’d be going and WHAT we’ll be doing, otherwise my whole day just comes to a shrieking halt.

If someone tells me “We’re going out!”, and wont tell me anything else – it’s like a part of my brain shuts down. I get stressed and feel like I have SO much to do and SO much to take care of before then… and yet – I can’t seem to manage doing anything. 🙄 Instead I get lost in the TV-world until it’s time to leave, and often times – I “choose” stay at home instead… watching TV.