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Re: To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate

Re: To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate2011-07-09T14:05:35+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Psychostimulants – General To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate Re: To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate


Post count: 14413

Well, the first day on Ritalin was a success. My son was disappointed not to be allowed more than the one dose, as he really felt “improved” while the Ritalin was in his system. And we noticed an effect too. He was not as easily frustrated – I heard him teach his sister how to do something, and it didn’t dissolve into the usual frustrated yelling match. Also he was calmer overall. His conversation wasn’t all over the place, he interrupted less, and he didn’t constantly barge in to tell me all sorts of useless information. He also listened, and I notice that the one time I asked him to do something, he did it right away without using delaying tactics or getting sidetracked once started. Certainly not the norm for him!!

After looking at his report card today and seeing all C grades, with a D chucked in for good measure, I am so looking forward to a fresh start next term with medication on board. He has a great attitude towards things too, which will help immensely.