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Re: To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate

Re: To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate2011-06-02T11:49:16+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Psychostimulants – General To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate Re: To Medicate, Or Not To Medicate


Post count: 71

Just my two cents here, but ask your son what he wants to do. You stated that he’s intelligent so answer all of the questions together and then let him decide. Too often we make these decisions for our children with little or no input from them. If he chooses not to medicate, he’s at the very least aware of his situation, and when he’s ready to deal with it and develope coping strategies on his own, you’ll both be prepared.

Also remember, he is not you. No matter the similarity. Just support what he wants to do.