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Re: Up To A Million Kids Misdiagnosed!

Re: Up To A Million Kids Misdiagnosed!2010-08-18T14:59:35+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? The Neurology Up To A Million Kids Misdiagnosed! Re: Up To A Million Kids Misdiagnosed!


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

My mom was a teacher before I was born, so she seems to have noticed the difference between the oldest and the youngest kids in a class. She decided that her kids would be born as early in the year as possible, so we’d be the oldest, most mature ones in our classes. The downside was that, since our birthdays are in the winter, we never had ice cream at our parties, because we always seemed to have colds at that time of year. (Curiously, now that we have our own places, we both ALWAYS have ice cream on hand.)

Of course, being deliberately born early in the year won’t make you the oldest, most mature kid in the class if you skip a grade. Or if your socio-emotional age is 30% younger than your physical age—as seems to be the case when you have ADHD.