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Re: Update on my ADD assessment journey with sleep disorder diagnosis

Re: Update on my ADD assessment journey with sleep disorder diagnosis2011-10-14T14:59:17+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story Update on my ADD assessment journey with sleep disorder diagnosis Re: Update on my ADD assessment journey with sleep disorder diagnosis


Post count: 14413

My study report had been prepared, summarized and signed off, so I asked to take a copy home. It’s really interesting, They even included all the polys.. graphs so I could do my own little analysis, for example, what side I was sleeping on, when I kicked my leg (and even which one), etc. The bar code for the spontaneous arousals is pretty scary looking.

I guess we have to be open-minded that our issues might be sleep-related and not necessarily ADD. The sleep deprivation was becoming more impairing for me.

Today I feel like a normal person again (again in reference to the meds experiment I did), it’s so black and white I can hardly believe it.

Hope you get your results soon, bill. November is not that far away.