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Re: Vyvanse

Re: Vyvanse2011-07-29T01:37:31+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Vyvanse Vyvanse Re: Vyvanse


Post count: 2

Hi everyone, I see this is a fairly current thread, as opposed to the dizziness one that has a last comment of 5 months ago.

Anyway, haven’t written anything yet on the forum, but thought this might be a good time to do so. I’ve read some of the threads, and I appreciate everyone’s honesty and candidness regarding their experiences with ADD.

I currently am undiagnosed with a mental disorder. I’ve only had one meeting with a psychiatrist, not sure how I feel about it, he thought I might be going through an existential crisis. I know it’s more. But left with a possible ADD and so gave me 2 weeks of Vyvanse, 30mg first week, 50mg for the second.

No adverse effects from the 30mg, and although I have no control to compare to, felt like the drug was helping in some aspects of life.

However, today is the first day of 50mg and I would have to describe this is an adverse side effect. I’ve been very dizzy all day. The feeling of the couple of steps before you’d pass out (woozy, but hasn’t gotten to the level where you start sweating and forehead on fire, hard to describe.) Anyway, enough dizziness to say, no to driving for today.

Hard to know what to feel with a drug that fixes a condition I haven’t been diagnosed with. As much as the dizziness has really effected me today, I also was able to accomplish a lot, and didn’t get any feeling of anxiousness, which is often a feeling when tonnes need to get done.

So, I have a drug that has a crazy side effect at 50mg, but has allowed me to focus on a to-do list with a lot of things crossed off of it.

Not sure how common the practise is for doctors to say “hmmm, you might/might not have ADD, here’s a drug and take and see what it does”.

Anyway, not sure if I have a point to this, I just figured I should get a first post out of the way :) . Not knowing what I have, but believing it’s not just an existential crisis, there are some symptoms I don’t think that can answer, it’s hard. If anyone knows of a specialist in the southern Alberta region (I live in Lethbridge) I’d love to pursue a second opinion. Thanks,