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Re: Vyvanse and Concerta questions

Re: Vyvanse and Concerta questions2011-10-13T22:34:26+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Vyvanse and Concerta questions Re: Vyvanse and Concerta questions


Post count: 14413

To address your first question: My young adult son is on 40 mg Vyvanse after some less than great experiences with Concerta. Concerta was okay for him but, like Nellie, made him anxious. He is ADD-PI, not H or C. For PI, Concerta seems to address only half the issue. He really likes Vyvanse which he started a few months ago but he recently started getting worsening acne on his face. The acne is unusual for him – he barely had a pimple as a teen. He says he doesn’t care about the zits b/c he loves the results with Vyvanse . As his parent I can see how at ease and comfortable he is on Vyvanse. But I hate to see the bad acne. HIs doc didn’t offer much insight. He has had no hives or itching from it. If anyone knows more about Vyvanse and skin pls post.