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Re: Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med

Re: Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med2011-07-07T03:20:19+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Vyvanse Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med Re: Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med


Post count: 14413

lol good plan.

from what you write, you gave many examples of your progress. accomplishing a lot. not stressing as much.

I’m still confused about what type of progress I am supposed to feel and how long it takes. I’m definitely not feeling super alert either which I think is for the best. I hate anxiety. I feel less wired on this stuff which is nice. Most people around us are not super alert either! they are just normal alert! unless they drink pots of coffee.

I’m having much fewer conversation pauses as well and can hold thoughts and numbers inside my head. However, I’m not really sure that I am accomplishing more. I guess it is hard to measure when I started this med during a totally unstructured 5 days of holiday in which I had zero responsibilities? I have always been pretty useless at these times. I’m not sure whether I was less useless than usual. lol.

I am coming upon my original work goal of 8 hour shifts when I sought out treatment. However, I can’t be quite sure whether it is me figuring out things or the meds so that is frustrating. and I had been taking methyln ER on my work days for the last month.

I am still doing some forgetful absent minded things.. but I suppose everyone does. I’m just not sure what normal is.

*sigh* I have tomorrow off.. I hope I do something useful lol.