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Re: wanting to look into medication but not sure what works best for adults

Re: wanting to look into medication but not sure what works best for adults2011-12-13T13:23:35+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication wanting to look into medication but not sure what works best for adults Re: wanting to look into medication but not sure what works best for adults


Post count: 913

A specialist for sure!!!!!!!!!! Neuro-psych for me, and that special licensed nurse was great. In conjunction with the “sleep doctor”, they have a plan. unfortunately, the adderall is no longer having any effect either on my sleep or my add ;-(

Maybe a dosage change.

Check this out – go down about half-way. You may spend months, if not years, finding a med to work, and at a dose that works, only to find you need to change later.


NEVER EVER give up.

Don’t use the family doc – they don’t know squat – and can’t, they are GENERAL medicine, not specialists in the BRAIN and psychology. They’ll tell you if the meds will impact your heart, etc. – but they are worthless for ADD, IMO, after a lot of digging and experiences.